About us

Drishti India is proud to be the first accredited ocularist practice in the Center India. Drishti India are "Exemplary Providers" accredited by Aravind Eye Hospital & Research centre, Madurai . L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad. & Indian Vision Institute (IVI), a Medicare approved, nationally recognized independent accrediting body. An Ocularist is someone who specializes in the fabrication and fitters of realistic ocular prosthesis for people who have disfigured eye due to injury, infection, congenital diseases or post surgery. We at Drishti India strive to provide you with the best prosthesis available in the Southeast. Drishti India take great care in properly fitting the prosthesis and hand painting it to match its companion. Drishti India can fabricate a prosthesis to fit comfortably over an existing blind eye (a corneal scleral shell) and provide other prostheses such as custom conformers for those too young to be fitted with their first artificial eye.

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